Tobi's Journal of Life as a Dachshund


Hey I'm Tobi.  Sometimes daddy calls me coolrod, buster, holmes, etc.  Every once in a while daddy gets on this kick, well actually not every once in awhile, he does it a lot, he changes my name to NO.  And for some reason he thinks he has to say it really loud and gruff.  It kinda ticks me off so I usually let him know it by giving him a big sigh.  Then daddy laughs at me when I do that.  He is a moron.  He thinks I am doing it cuz I am irritated with him,  but I really just do it to make him laugh so he will get over what I've done wrong.  I have only been with daddy since August of 1999.  Daddy had wanted a Dachshund for as long as he could remember and always loved going over to Chad's and seeing Scrappy (One of my best buddies) and Spud.  I never got to meet Spud but daddy says he is what really made him want a dachshund.  He told me that when he first started hanging out with Chad he would go over to his house and knock on the door.  Daddy said as soon as he did Spud would come and attack the door.  The first few times daddy jumped on the hood of his car and was very skeptical about being around him.  After a while though daddy and Spud became really good friends.  Spud was really Chad's father's dog and as Chad got a little older he decided he wanted one for himself.  They bred Spud (with the help of my daddy,  long story don't ask!!!)  and out came Scrappy.  Scrappy is really cool.  I like to go over to Chad's parents and wrestle with him.  Scrappy is very selfish and protective of his pig ears and gets a little agitated cuz I just wanna nibble on em a bit.  So I of course being the agitator that I am go over to all his hiding spots when he isn't looking trying to find a little treat.  Usually he catches me in the act and we wrestle a little bit more.  It is all part of the game for me.  Tommy and Lynn (Chad's Parents) are two of my favorite humans.  When daddy first got me he wouldn't let me have rawhide and pig ears because my stomach tends to be a little funny.  Finally daddy gave in and when Scrappy wouldn't let me gnaw on his stuff I could always kiss up to Tommy and Lynn and they would go to the kitchen and get me my own pig ear.  I am a spoiled little brat as my mommy says and know how to get my way with my eyes and actions.  My trick is to make em think I am cute.  I am really good at that!!!  Chad moved out of his parents house a while back and in December Chad and Jen (his fiancé) decided to get a dachshund puppy.  They went to a breeder in Hildebran, NC and found a little guy named Dakota.  Now Dakota and me are cool too.  I like to go to Gastonia and play with him but sometimes I am a little too rough because he only weighs about 6 pounds and I am 19.  As you can see there is quite a bit of size difference between us.  I go over there and the little jerk will jump up and pull my ears.  Now you wanna talk about getting me fired up!  Man I can't stand that and that is when I have to kinda show him who "the Man" is, as daddy would say.  Back to the story of me now for a sec.  Back in August of 1999 my daddy started really thinking about getting a dachshund.  He is a computer nerd and was searching for breeders on the internet and ran across this really cool Dachshund Rescue Page.  He watched the North Carolina section of the page and one day this lady had two dachshunds listed on her page.  Daddy thought they had a good story and they were only in Charlotte.  Daddy thought he should check into it a little further.  He emailed this nice lady in Charlotte and asked for some more information about Tobi (that's me) and Heidi (my sis).  She responded back quickly and gave daddy her phone number so they could chit chat about me a bit.  My old Mommy decided that daddy was a nice guy and said he could come down for a interview and see us.  I lived with 2 other dachshunds.  My mommy got in a little trouble with the owners association of her condominium complex cuz she was only supposed to have one dog.  All of us were really cool but she got busted and they told her she had to have 2 of us out of there immediately or we would have to go to the slammer.  That wouldn't be cool and my mommy was cool and talked the owners association into giving her a little time to put us on the internet on this dachshund rescue site and find a really good place for us.  They agreed and gave mommy til September 1st to have us gone.  Well the long haired dachshund I lived with was my mommy's first so I think that is why she decided to part with Heidi and myself.  One day this young guy came to mommy's house.  Of course when he rang the doorbell the three of us went nuts barking and etc.  We dachshunds love company and attention.  Mommy let this guy in and let him see us for a minute and then for some reason she took us outside to the back porch to play for a while.  I think mommy and this guy had some serious stuff to talk about and the guy was really interested in me.  This may have caused trouble for mommy and this guys discussion because I liked this guy and was trying to get his attention.  So anyway, Mommy and this guy talked for awhile and then mommy came out and got just me.  This Kinda freaked me cuz I knew something was up.  Mommy hadn't really talked to us about leaving her.  Mommy started crying and handed me to my new guy (daddy).  I was kind of confused at this point cuz mommy was petting me a lot and crying.  She looked really sad.  I think she knew I was going to a really awesome place and was happy but yet sad because of all the fun we had together.  So daddy put me in the car in my kennel and we started our journey back to Hickory, NC (my new home).  When daddy was getting ready to take me from mommy's house she warned him that I have a big problem riding in the car.  I hated it and would get car sick every time.  Sure enough even though daddy drove like a grandma 15 minutes into our trip home guess what happens?  I yacked all over my cage.  Thank God mommy gave daddy a whole roll of paper towels.  Looked like he was gonna need it!!!  So I got out of the car and we walked around a bit and then daddy said ok buddy lets try this again.  UH OH!!!  I was really not ready for this.  I made it to I-77 and just as daddy was coming down the exit I crapped all over myself.  Now I don't want to get nasty but these weren't your regular Lincoln Log poops.  This was gravy.  Daddy was grossed out and starting to turn a little green.  He pulled off of I-77 at 5:05 in the afternoon.  Lovely Charlotte 5 o'clock rush hour.  He was a little ticked and said some choice words.  I didn't mean to have an accident and I think daddy wasn't mad at me he was mad at the timing.  So anyway out of the car again.  I think this time I got most of it out of me.  Once daddy got me on the highway and got moving I took a little nap.  All this excitement wore me out.   Well we got home safe and daddy showed me around my new place a bit.  I was a little scared but daddy helped me adjust to my new home.  He was very lenient with me over the next couple of months.  I had a lot of accidents.  I am crate trained and therefore all my life when my human left me I knew I had to get in my kennel until they came home.  After I had been with daddy a while he decided he would try to leave me out one day while he was at work.  He didn't know it at the time but I suffer from separation anxiety and tend to cause a little trouble if given the chance.  While daddy was gone that day I wanted to get into his bedroom so I tried to dig my way in.  This doesn't work so well on carpet and I made a pretty big boo boo of his carpet.  When he got home he was on fire but realized it was his fault for trying to let me be out.  He was trying to be a cool dad and I took advantage of it so now I go to my crate every time daddy leaves.  Daddy is always telling people how good of a dog I am and loves to show me off.  We usually go to Pet Smart about once a week and daddy usually takes me everywhere except work.  The car sick thing is going a lot better.  Daddy talked to some lady and she told him to give me a quarter of a Tums Antacid tablet about 20 minutes before we went for a ride and it would settle my stomach.  I wasn't too keen on the taste of these things but they worked and I didn't get sick.  After a while daddy quit giving me the Tums and I ride very well.  I just don't like daddy's music.  When daddy listens to Limp Bizkit or KoRn or one of his other favorites I get nervous and shake a little bit.  From there my stomach gets a little queezy and I usually ralph all over his car if he doesn't turn it down.  Daddy loves his music though and can't stand to ride in the car without it so we made a pact that if he listens to it at a low volume I won't get sick and we are both happy.   I like daddy's music however in the house.  He loves it kinda loud and it doesn't bother me a bit.

Well I want to write more about me but daddy says he needs the phone right now and I have to get off the internet.  I think he is just jealous cuz I am taking away from his internet time.  My daddy said that if you have any questions about being owned by a dachshund to please send him a email @ and he will be more than happy to talk to you.  I will be back in a little while to finish my story so in the mean time go check out my pictures and links on my site. 

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Yesterday was interesting!  Daddy came home from work and took me out for a ride.  We stopped by our friend Linda's house to pick up a gas card for a car that belongs to daddy's work.  Linda and her daughter Melissa played with me a bit and daddy told them how I wasn't too keen on the new car we were riding in and I puked in it.  Daddy wasn't too happy that he had to clean it up cuz it wasn't his car.  After we left Linda's we went to Pet Smart.  I love Pet Smart.  This is a store that I can actually go to and not have to sit and protect (yeah right) daddy's car.  So anyway, we went in Pet Smart and all the girls there of course love me.  I am irresistable to chicks (also a little conceited)!!!  So I pulled daddy around the store to see all my chicks and then we went back to the dog food isle.  Yummy!  I always stick my big long nose under the shelves to get those little food nibbles that spill out of the open bags.  I love it.  Gives me a good variety of foods since my daddy makes me eat the same thing all the time.  So after daddy got me a bag of food we grabbed a grocery cart to put the food in.  Daddy is a cheapskate sometimes and always buys the big 30 pound bag to save some $mulah$.  Then we stopped and talked to some really nice people.  They were interested in me and dachshund rescue so daddy stood there for a while and talked to them.  The lady was pretty cool and she got done and rubbed me a bit(brownie points big time!).    Next we went to the toy isle.  I am picky about my toys.  My favorite toys are the soft stuffed animal creatures with that plastic squeeky thingy in them.  We really didn't find anything interesting so we headed over to the shampoo rack.  Daddy says I smell like funk!  Daddy then had a great idea to buy me a new collar.  See I chew through nylon and leather collars so daddy makes me wear a choke collar when we go out.  I was getting kinda tired of the "Plain Jane" silver collar so I had daddy get me a cool blue one.  It rocks!!!  We went to the register and daddy paid for everything while I played with this boxer puppy.  He kinda ticked me off cuz he thought he was bad but I new I could whip him if need be.  On the way out of the store daddy wanted to put my new collar on me so he put me up in the child seat of the grocery cart.  Not too smart pops you know I won't want to stay in it.  He held me pretty tight while he wrestled the new collar and then before he could even think to move I leaped from the cart.  Landed right on my face.  It didn't feel to good and scared the hell out of my daddy.  He wasn't mad at me, but very glad that I was ok.  I am pretty tough.  That was about all of our excitement for today (as if it wasn't enough).  Daddy took me home and then went out with his friends for a while. 

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